The course coordinators met today after a great day of golf to agree on establishing a HARD REGISTRATION CUT OFF on Sunday at 8:00PM.
After 8:00PM the registration system will not allow anyone to register via the web site, therefore you will need to contact the pairing coordinator handling the course.
We all tend to delay registering to play for all kinds of good reasons. We are asking that you register if you are planning to play. You can always withdraw, if necessary, by contacting the pairings coordinator via call or text.
If is a lot easier for the pairings coordinator to a take a player off the pairings then it is to add a player.
The pairings coordinators note their phone numbers on the posts we put out for the coming game especially for you.
As an option, on our website you can tap on the menu and then “Members” where you will see a button for "contacts". The coordinators email, (tap on the envelope) and telephone numbers are there.
The 2025 schedule attached to this post for you to print and save for easy reference.
Please put our names and numbers in your phone contacts
Chuck Dugand - Website designer - 713-376- 5312
Bob Dahl 713-306-3605
Doug Godschalk 832-758-1956
Mike Holy 713-542-5474
Mike Taylor 281-773-8836
Tim Van Dinter 281-352-1149
Your cooperation is appreciated in this important matter.